This is the new Reality Drop. No games, just truths.

Man-made climate change is here.

Climate change is a reality we can no longer ignore. We see the impacts in our everyday lives, from extreme superstorms, to heat waves, to massive wildfires and droughts. But climate denial, bankrolled by Dirty Energy companies and justified by pseudoscience, persists.

Reality Drop, inspired by Skeptical Science, is a library of science-based rebuttals to climate change deniers.

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  • #7: Mauna Loa is a volcano

    Deniers say: One of the most important records of the Earth’s CO2 concentrations is 30 miles away from a carbon dioxide-spewing volcano.
    Science says: Scientists adjust for the fact that Mauna Loa is a volcano to make sure their measurements are accurate.
    Continuous measurements taken at the Mauna Loa Observatory clearly show that carbon dioxide has been increasing in the atmosphere since 1958. And Mauna Loa isn’t the only place this pattern is seen; data from observatories in Alaska, American Samoa and Antarctica all show the same upward trend. Scientists were well aware when they selected Mauna Loa that it’s a volcano. But they also knew that most of the time, the wind blows volcanic gases (including carbon dioxide) away from the observatory. When the wind infrequently shifts, there’s an obvious spike in carbon dioxide. Measurements from the “volcano days” are removed from the Mauna Loa dataset. That's how scientists make sure the data are accurate.